Posted: 17.03.2017

BIMwash – what’s it all about?


Don’t get caught up in spending money on software and systems that you may not need.


To highlight just one of the approaches that BIMwashers use to sell their ‘solutions’, here is a real example of BIMwash that I recently found on Linkedin.

This screenshot from a company blog is explaining why their document management system should be considered for purchase above other competitor products.

Sounds convincing doesn’t it? And very tempting for you to believe, so that you end up handing over a large sum of money to the author to buy their product instead. However;

nothing on this example list is true


At no point does PAS1192-2:2013 (or BS1192 for that matter) state that these features are required for something to fulfil the role of a CDE.


A CDE is a working method. It is not a specific type of software. It certainly does not require ‘secure email solution’ or ‘collaborative viewing of IFC models’ to be considered a CDE.


This type of ‘selling’ is relying on one thing …….
It’s relying on you not having read the UK BIM standards.

If you want to sort the wheat from the chaff and not get caught out –
Read the UK BIM standards.


If you come across anything you’re not sure about, try using LinkedIn and other sites to begin a discussion first.

For more information on CDE see my previous Blog No 9.