Posted: 13.06.2017

Following on from our first post introducing our company Creativity+, this post shares more of our staff’s creativity – and this time it’s stone carving.


Robert Fowkes and David Brooks went on the stone carving course. David made a pair of bookends from sample stone, exploring different finishes to dress stone. Robert created a new house number for his house extension.


The valuable two days out of the office gave them a real understanding of stone as a material. When specifying stone on projects they feel they now have a better understanding on how to prepare a specification. The sourcing of material can change from one quarry to another. For example, Portland Limestone compared to Lancaster Limestone is very different.

The course, which was led by professional sculptor and mason Mark Eaton, in the heart of Derbyshire, is highly recommended by the pair.


See our other Creativity+ posts for more examples of our staff creativity.