Previously, facade remediation was most usually undertaken for practical or aesthetic reasons: replacement of life-expired materials, envelope performance enhancement (particularly thermal) or simply to refresh or improve the appearance of a valuable asset.


However, since the Grenfell Tower fire in 2017, maber has, not surprisingly, noticed a huge uptick in re-cladding and facade remediation work for safety-related reasons, most notably on residential multi-storey buildings. Having now completed a number of very different projects of this genre, where the facade materials in the original construction of the project have subsequently proven to be potentially combustible, maber has developed first-hand experience and an enviable reputation for remediating these buildings as now required by the Building Safety Act.


Our Clients for this work over the last few years have included:

  • Local Authorities
  • Residential Property Managers (acting for leaseholders)
  • Freeholders
  • Residential Developers
  • Student Residential Developer-Operators
  • Main Contractors

Procurement routes have been determined to suit project and Client requirements, including:

  • Traditional Contracts
  • Design & Build Contracts
    (both directly appointed and novated)

Working closely with industry specialist consultants and contractors, we can guide our Clients through the whole process including:

  • Building Safety Act and Building Regulations compliance
  • Project Appraisal
  • Project Risk Assessment
  • Design and Detailing
  • Opportunities for Improvement and Enhanced value

Whilst focused on facade remediation our scope often extends to include related life safety works to enhance the protection of building occupiers, visitors and the fire service.


A collateral impact of the fall-out from Grenfell was the impact on the Professional Indemnity Insurance market for construction professionals. The vast majority found that Fire Safety Exclusions when renewing their policies were unavoidable, leaving both themselves and their Clients financially exposed in the event of an insurance claim. 

maber was no different but, rather than accept this invidious position, chose to tackle the issue head-on and joined the Wren Insurance Association, a Mutual set up for the sole benefit of its architect members. 

As well as providing comprehensive PII without exclusions (Fire Safety or otherwise), its approach to promoting best practice and enhanced risk management techniques, benefits not only maber but, more importantly, our Clients.


For more information or if you want to discuss any remediation or recladding project requirements.

please contact:



Hi I’m Nick

Talk to me about your project requirements