maber worked with Miller Birch as part of a competitive dialogue process to secure partnership status with Leicester City Council for the redevelopment and regeneration of a key site in the heart of Leicester.



Miller Birch
Masterplanning & Urban Design

The aim was to deliver an vibrant urban space with high quality architecture and landscape that would act as a catalyst for regeneration , attracting high profile occupiers, transforming this part of the city and the prospects of the whole community.

Historically, Welford Place was an important interchange and urban space in Leicester but the 1970s buildings had no relationship with their surrounding context  in either scale, massing or the urban typography. Historical development decisions have left this part of Leicester fragmented and disconnected.


The site is a threshold to the City Centre. Several key pedestrian routes converge here. Works being undertaken as part of the Mayor’s vision for ‘Connecting Leicester’ will help strengthen these routes. The development proposal will help tie these strands together.


The main proposed uses include:

  • Grade A office space
  • Below ground secure car park
  • Leisure uses, which may include a gym and a basement casino accessed from a ground floor restaurant / cafe / bar
  • Small scale retail units
  • Restaurants, cafes and bars
  • Residential on the smaller Marlborough Street corner site with ground floor convenience retail