maber provided a client advisory role on the shell design of the new purpose built 22,000 sqft vehicle maintenance facility at Trentham Lakes, Stoke-on-Trent.



Staffordshire Fire & Rescue
Industrial & Manufacturing
Blue Light & MOD / Defence

The facility contains 12 vehicle servicing bays to allow repairs, servicing and maintenance to all of SFR’s 208 vehicles and equipment, all from a single location.


The building is complete with associated offices, machine workshop, small spray booth, storage areas for equipment and a training / meeting room. SFR also operate a PR function from the facility, running events and public open days.


In addition, it provides garage space for emergency response teams (although not a base for emergency response). It also has yard space provided for fire tenders, fleet cars and vans awaiting servicing, along with staff and visitor parking.

maber were architects for the client fit-out to both the office and workshop areas. The workshop fit-out included 25 tonne vehicle lifts and brake roller with load simulator.