A diverse landscaping scheme for a new five form entry primary school, and is part of the Waterside Development Regeneration Project.




Leicester City Council
Landscape Architecture

The landscape layout for the proposed school aims to provide a safe, attractive, useable and accessible landscape. By providing wide footpaths and ramps, undercover where possible, allows easy circulation across the site’s natural desire lines, in particular from the cycle link along the southern boundary towards the school entrance and from Fosse Road North to the east.

A number of outdoor classroom courtyards with covered areas, each with a distinct ‘sense of place’, encourage outdoor learning. Healthy living and eating are supported by the provision of a designated kitchen garden, adjacent to the Food Technology Rooms, where pupils can grow fruit and vegetables.


Existing levels facilitated the ideal outdoor performance area as well as providing seating and outdoor eating space.  Undercover areas for parent/carer meetings are also included, as well as cycle/scooter/buggy storage for pupils, staff and visitors.


Traffic noise will be kept to a minimum through the creation of a wide strong green landscaped frontage along Fosse Road North. Habitat creation, in the form of woodland planting, grassland habitats, a willow dome and trim trail will also be provided close to the school.


A synthetic turf pitch, a MUGA and running track provides for a variety of sports uses.

The sustainable potential will be maximised by using native species and SUDS (sustainable urban drainage system) paving in the carparks and MUGAs. The harvested water can then be used to water the plants and allotments within the site.