maber’s initial involvement focused on a wider masterplan for the area, guiding the client towards a feasible development programme.




Residential - Care & Social

The current scheme offers the opportunity to extend the development of the site in line with the proposed masterplan.

maber hosted a public consultation evening, on behalf of the client, during the planning process’ offering information about the details of the design and sustainable technologies whilst utilising local knowledge within the practice.

Due to the client being an established housing association, maber were given a detailed client design briefing document, with specific instruction to offer a measure of contemporary design features.

Through previous experience of Code for Sustainable Homes standards on housing projects, maber were able to drive the design development forward at an early stage to provide the client with a greater measure of certainty of the likely construction costs.  This process ensured financial viability despite the scheme being small and therefore offering little in the way of economies of scale.